Monday, March 17, 2014

Gospel Principles Monday: There Is a God.

Welcome to Gospel Principles Monday! Have a question about Mormons? Ask!

Have you guys heard of SoulPancake yet? Chances are you have, even if you don't recognize it by name. Awesome people like Kid President and Zach Anner (of Have a Little Faith fame) are associated with Soul Pancake. Could Kid President BE any cuter? I love him.


The reason I bring this up is because I recently watched an epsiode of my favorite web series, Have a Little Faith. In this series, host Zach Anner connects with people of different faiths to find out what they are all about. To see what they believe and open our horizons a little. The episode I watched was a reunion of all the people Zach interviewed during Season 1. Per the video caption: "What happens when you put two Mormons, two Baha'is, one Jewish person, a Quaker, a Muslim and one Baptist man in a room all together?" The answer? A great discussion. 

One of the questions brought up was whether people can live a happy and fulfilling life without God, because some people wonder whether He exists at all. I think the answer is yes, because our Father in Heaven loves us whether we believe in Him or not. There is joy found in all things, and even if you don't believe in Him, you still get to see the incredible things He's created for us. This beautiful earth, mountains, sunshine, love. This question reminded me that this would be a great gospel principle monday question.

Q: What do mormons believe about God?

A: As Latter Day Saints, we believe God to be our Heavenly Father. He is the "Supreme and Absolute Being in whom we believe and whom we worship". 

We believe that our Father in Heaven created the earth, through His son, Jesus Christ. We believe that His work is all around us, that we can see His hand in everything.

I have a personal testimony of this through my experiences in the medical field. Our body is so incredible. The way all of our systems work together, the way it can heal itself, the way we can take care of it so it will do what we want. It is so fascinating to me to think about how our complex our bodies are, there is no other explanation. It is so obvious to me that we were created by a loving God who knows everything and created us so we can grow and learn during our time on earth.

There are so many scriptures that testify of His existence, in addition to our own sacred and personal experiences. As Latter Day Saints, we believe that God dwells in heaven, that he created the earth through His son, Jesus Christ, and that He made man in His own image to be a ruler over His other creations (See Genesis 1-26-27).

So now that we know there is, in fact, a God who loves us, how do we come to know Him better??

The greatest commandment is "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart" ((Matthew 22:37).

There are some things we can do to better know God in our lives. We need to:

  • Believe that He exists
  • Study the Scriptures
  • PRAY
  • Obey His commandments

There is so much more I could say about the nature of our Heavenly Father. He does love us unconditionally. He cares about us, whether we believe in Him or not. He wants us to return to Him, and He blesses our lives continually, whether we are aware of those blessings or not.

If you don't yet know whether God exists, please know that He does. Pray to Him, even if it feels silly initially. He will testify to your heart of His existence. If you're still not sure, pray and ask to have your eyes opened to His blessings, that you may see His hand in your life as you go day to day. He will bless you, He will comfort you, and He will love you forever.

If I know nothing else in this world, I do know that our Heavenly Father exists. I see His hand in my life everyday. I feel His love every single day of my life, no matter how terrible a day it might have been. He knows us personally, I know for sure that He knows my name and my circumstances. He lives, and wants you to know of His love. I have seen so many miracles, big and small, that testify to me of His love.

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